Necessary Documents

Tender Processing Schedule
Contractor Letter Of Interest To Apply For Renovation Work
Tender Terms & Conditions
Part 1
Tender Terms & Conditions
Part 2
Procedure for Submitting the Tender Application :
- Verify the Tender Instructions/Terms and conditions as specified in PART-1 & PART-2 of the Documentation which is available in the website and check your eligibility and available building renovation works suits your work profiles.
- Personally / through your authorized representative, collect the Application form with tender technical/financial documents along with the terms & conditions PART-1 & PART-2 documents by submitting Letter of Interest for tender work ( it can be downloaded from website / hardcopy is available in the IETE -B office) with application fee ( which is non refundable) of Rs.2,500.00 ( Rupees Two Thousand Only) by Cash/DD/online transfer, during IETE-B office hours.
- You can visit the IETE-B office building/premises for any measurements / technical clarification, etc… only during the IETE-B office hours and by not disturbing the office activities & not damaging any property at the IETE-B premises.
- Follow the tender document submission due date and submit the documents as mentioned in the instructions along with the Application with related documents & Technical/ Financial bidding documents in closed/sealed envelops separately in single sealed cover along with the EMD amount of Rs. 40,000.00 ( Rupees Forty Thousand Only) by DD / online payment only.
- It is requested to submit personally/through your authorized person, at the IETE-B office during office hours on/before the due date and obtain acknowledgement.
- There is no separate communication is made for giving information on further tender processing, if any, the same will be announced only in the IETE-B website – and in IETE-B Notice Board.
- As per the specified date and time, the Tender documents will be opened in the presence of IETE-B building committee members and Contractors/Bidders if any.
- As per the Tendering Process , the Contractor/ Bidder will be selected and WORK ORDER will be issued by having suitable documentation.
- The EMD amount of Rs.40,000.00 ( Rupees Forty Thousand Only) will be returned by online mode of payment to all the unsuccessful Contractors /Bidders.
- There will be no further communication/discussion related to tender process will be entertained.